Someone asked me this week what I thought about the photo that went viral at the scene of a fatal motorcycle crash in Kentucky, where it shows the biker’s soul appears to be leaving his body.
My first thought was, I wished that old show “In Search Of” which back then was hosted by Leonard Nimoy was still on because there would be much more discussion of such topics in this era now. But upon deeper thought though, I thought it was great that our spirit guides allowed that moment to happen, to have us all talking about it and having conversation among one another on this topic, that doesn’t usually hit a busy news day. And as we know, it’s been a busy several weeks of news around the world.
Our spirit guides always know better than we do, and nothing is a coincidence or “accident.” If something does appear to be an accident on the earth plane/human level, it’s often there to be an opportunity for us to spiritually grow.
Whether we see a spirit appearing to leave a body at the time of someone’s passing, or if we got let go from a job for whatever the human reason is. Both are opportunities.
Witnessing a loved one’s passing is a sacred moment. Just as it is when we witness a loved one being born into this world, you are witnessing a loved one going back, or being “born” back to the Other Side. That’s a profound moment that will never leave you in this life, and an opportunity perhaps to be more spiritual in one’s own life on a daily basis.
Then, in this busy news week, the breaking news in Nice, France and someone emailed to me, “I hope the souls are safe.” My reply was, “Souls are always safe. People maybe aren’t safe and get injured or die, but the souls are always ok and where they should be.”
We are always where we should be in life, if it’s going through a tough time now, and facing obstacles that seem insurmountable, or just getting hired to a new job in a different city, our spirit guides and our Higher Self always know better than we do, they see our Life Path way beyond what we can see, which is the present moment.
To be let go from a job for whatever reason, while it’s ok to go through the motions of feelings of hurt on a human level, afterwards, take a moment to be spiritual about it and think about it as an opportunity from the universe, since that’s what it is – the universe pushing us to a new, even better chapter. It can be a new chapter of growth or of more fulfillment or abundance.
The old saying about the glass half full, it’s good to always strive to be the “see the glass half full” person. Keeping that positive energy in one’s aura helps allow the universe to bring more of what’s good in our lives.
Everything is an opportunity for growth. Since, after all, our own Life Path and why we chose it and the life experiences and lessons, are what it’s all about. It’s why we are here – to grow spiritually, and become better people, and hopefully leave the planet a bit better than when we got here.
I know it’s sometimes hard to do, in this noisy era we now find ourselves in, but it’s for our benefit to focus on why we are here and make this the best life we ever had.